Don’t Book Tour & Giveaway

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the DON’T by Gabriella Batel Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:

Title: DON’T

Author: Gabriella Batel

Pub. Date: October 31, 2022

Publisher: Crown of Thorns and Roses Press

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 326

Find it: Goodreads 

A heart-pounding debut ready for fans of Cory Anderson’s What Beauty There Is and Marieke Nijkamp’s This Is Where It Ends.

“This ambitious debut novel…marks this young author as one to watch.” —Corinna Turner, author of the Carnegie Nominated I Am Margaret series

Don’t play. I saw you.

Paityn’s awake. Her near-terminal lupus keeps her that way. That’s how she crosses Tony Suarez again. That’s how she becomes the only witness to something she wasn’t supposed to see.

The first time, Tony shot Paityn’s stepfather. Now he wants Paityn. He wants to keep her quiet about what she saw. And the best way to keep Paityn quiet is to silence her family.

But Paityn’s not going to let Tony touch her family—not while she’s still alive. And she’s not dead yet.




THE MOISTURE ON THE CAR WINDOWS crystalizes into frost. When I exhale, the warmth is a thin cloud. In the fogging rearview mirror, a car approaches, its headlights bright, and when it cruises up behind me, it sheds an eerie light across the small open space, across the trees.

And a reflective surface tucked among them.

The car passes me and is gone the next moment, but I keep track of the reflective spot in the trees as I rerun the glimpse in my mind. It seemed like two surfaces. One, glass. The other, metal.

Glass and metal. An abandoned vehicle.

Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions, reaching for a connection that isn’t there—but those trees would be a perfect place to ditch a getaway car. As well as any other evidence.

I bite my lower lip until the dry skin splits, and warm, metallic fluid creeps out from the sting. My mother told me to be smart, and I promised her that nothing would happen to me, that I’d come home safe. Is it worth the risk?

I search the thicket for any motion. There’s none.

My mom’s in the hospital for two gunshot wounds. This is how I keep her safe. Her. And Mercedes. And the baby.

I grip my folded knife and wrap my spare hand around the door handle. This is how I keep them safe.

Night air rushes into the cabin, freezing until it hurts my nose, my lips, my ears. My hand aches through the gloves where the edges of the knife hilt bite into it.

I swing my leg out. My exposed cheeks practically crackle in the cold. When my whole frame is out in the open, I set the door shut behind me without making a sound, my shoes falling noiselessly on the dust.

That’s maybe a hundred yards to the trees. One hundred yards for someone to spot me. Can I outrun someone for that long if I need to get back to the car? Probably not. And certainly not a bullet. I pocket my knife.

I exhale far too loudly and sweep through the cloud it makes. Goosebumps ridge my skin. Behind me, the street glistens like obsidian from the moonlit ice; there’s no sign of the upcoming daylight. To my left is the underpass and the hill it runs beneath. A trickle of water burbles from it. I step over and creep forward, flinching every time my boot crunches on a patch of gravel. My ears ring.



About Gabriella Batel:

Gabriella Batel is a vibrant young Catholic woman with an adrenaline craving and a passion for God, her family, movies, and all things YA fiction. Don’t is her debut novel, and she’s already working on the next thrill ride.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube | Goodreads | Amazon


Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a signed finished copy of DON’T, US Only.

Ends May 31st, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Two Chicks on Books

Playlist/IG Post



Top 5 Scenes


Writer of Wrongs

Top 5 Books



IG Post



IG Post


Brandi Danielle Davis

IG Post


YA Books Central

Interview/IG Post



IG Post/TikTok Post



IG Review



IG Review

Week Two:


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