Flying Circus Through Thick And Thin Book Tour & Giveaway

I’m thrilled to be part of this amazing tour, hosted by The Children’s Book Review. Check out my review below and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Flying Circus Through Thick And Thin

By Leona Cobham

Illustrated by Timothy O’Brien

Picture Book

144 Pages

Ages 7+

Cobham Wings

ISBN-13: 9781739407032

A group of anthropomorphized airplanes encounter extreme weather while training at a mountain base. The Spitfire and the biplane, Woody, discover a suspicious mining operation. Tom, the F-14, accidentally gives their radio frequency to the antagonists at the mine. A snowstorm causes more problems. Tom makes amends by rescuing an F-117 Nighthawk.

The second story is a comic tale of mistaken identity. Spif feels responsible for the smooth running of a historical commemoration, but his plans are hampered by a series of hilarious errors involving statues of Wellington and Napoleon.

In the final story, when the friends are invited to an air show in the height of summer they become impatient with a Chinook who is garnering attention. They take to the sky, and the Tomcat lights his afterburners. When a fire starts, he assumes it was his fault. He overcomes his shame to help with the firefight. Spif must put his pride aside and accept assistance from the popular Chinook. Each aircraft contributes to the effort with its own unique skill set. When they save some scouts who have been camping, it turns out it was the scouts who started the fire.

They realize through making mistakes, we learn.

My Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

An absolute must read! Not only was this book packed with factual information about a variety of aircrafts, but the overall message was amazing. This book showcases the uniqueness of each aircraft character and what they can and can’t do. Our differences should not set us apart, they should bind us like these guys! Also making mistakes isn’t the end of the world, just a beginning to learning something new. I thought the illustrations throughout the book gave it that special touch that all readers will enjoy. I thoroughly enjoyed this book as an adult, I know for a fact kids are going to love it!

Leona Cobham was immersed in the world of aviation from a young age; her grandfather, Sir Alan Cobham, made many first-time flights as well as pioneering the invention of air-to-air refueling. Leona absorbed this love of flying and travel. While working in a forest recuperation project in Brazil, Leona volunteered to teach in a shanty town. Here, a lifelong interest in understanding different learning styles began. On return to the UK, she began to write children’s fiction and worked part-time as a classroom reading assistant. Believing happy children learn best, Leona infuses her writing with humor, adventure, and a big feel-good factor. Her endearing characters overcome personal as well as technical challenges to succeed.


Enter the giveaway below for your shot at nabbing a copy of Flying Circus Through Thick and Thin.

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Huge thanks to Leona and The Children’s Book Review for my gifted copy. Grab one for yourself below!

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I also want to thank everyone who stopped by today, I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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